Monday, December 14, 2015

Surround Yourself With Good People

“In the counsel of many there is wisdom”.  True words; consider adopting them for your own use. The world is a busy place, with everything we have to grapple with today both personally and professionally, you just can’t always have the answer. I have noticed that some people don’t seem to have any trouble when it comes to giving their opinion. Personal advice dispensed freely about the car you should buy, where to vacation and what movie should be on your list to watch. Matters of business are a different issue and you are expected to always have the answers. No one in business that we have ever met has had all the answers. The eye opener for me came a couple of decades ago when people whom either came into our world through employment, other business owners and clients (yes, clients) would show an interest in our business. I learned to nurture these relationships and these folks often had good advice about a business matter. Carefully cultivated relationships allowed me to seek counsel on challenging issues. Our business grew by leaps as I had surrounded myself with good people. Ultimately you have to make the decision and live with the results. Trusted employees can be your best source as they are the ones doing the work, on the front lines as we say. Consider having an advisory board, a small group that would meet once a month. This is informal and the folks are not paid for their time. They are generally warmed that you value their opinion. Topics of discussion can be sent a few days before the meeting to allow folks time to digest and offer some solutions to your challenges. Sometime last week you were talking with someone and you said “that’s a great idea” and you wondered “why didn’t I come up with that?  As previously mentioned, you are in the moment, taking care of the needs of the moment. A great leader surrounds themselves with good people and is open to suggestions and comments. Surround yourself with good people.


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