Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year, New You?

 The New Year is here and all those resolutions you made are waiting to be filled. You remember the ones about losing a few pounds and spending more time with family, ah yes. We all want to be a better person and that takes change in our attitudes and behaviors. Today is the 1st day of the rest of your life. Major life changes like losing weight, being a better parent, saving money, etc. are all worthy goals and you probably have a few more you want to tackle. 

     You might find small incremental changes in your behavior and starting slow is best for you, while others might dive in and stop the jelly donuts and calorie laden drinks in one day. Find what works for you and stick to your plan, it takes time for good habits to set in. Don’t be discouraged if you have a bad day, pick yourself up and make tomorrow a better day. Changes will only come about if you want to change yourself. No amount of coaxing will lead to the results you desire if you do not want change yourself. Your health and changing your eating and exercising habits is probably my favorite resolution because a healthy and fit you is more productive in all areas of your life.  Please consider throwing out the word “diet” you are not dieting, you are making a lifestyle change, for the better. Exercise is important, but more important is what goes into your mouth. I have heard that the percentage of attention should be 80% focused on what you eat versus 20% exercise. A moment of pleasure and those good endorphin's from eating something will long be forgotten when your blue jeans spent to “much time in the dryer” and shrunk.  A few helpful tips that have worked for me that you might consider if weight management is one of your goals.  Consider keeping a food diary. Writing down what you eat will open your eyes as to what you are consuming. Perhaps a phone app like MyFitnessPal might work for you. It records calories eaten and if you exercise it records that as well. Resolutions are nothing more than pledges waiting to be fulfilled. 

     No matter your goal whether simple or complex, you have to be the one to bring on the change for a better you in 2016! To your SUCCESS.

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