Saturday, January 16, 2016

Employee Engagement / Ford Business Consultants / January  2016

As the owner or manager of a business do you know whether you effectively engage your employee’s? Engaging with your staff equals a more productive workplace. Here are some interesting statistics for you to consider.
·         70% of owners and managers have checked off the box that says “very good” job of communicating with their staff.
·         In the same survey over 60% revealed that they do not measure the results, this means they just hope it works.
·         In the same survey 26% of employees indicated they are “not engaged” at all and this suggests that there may be a disconnect between management and the workforce.
What kind of an impact does this have on your business? Disengaged employees lose their desire to do a good job resulting in poor customer service which means lost customers, less sales, staff leaving and poor morale for those that choose to remain with your business. Employee newsletters or intranet may not be working as you had hoped. You may be using the wrong methods of communication and you need to revisit the way in which your company communicates with staff.

How to set up an engagement program in your company

Start the tried and true method of treating employees the way you treat customers, with care. Smile and be sincere when engaging staff. When is the last time you looked an employee in the eye and had a conversation or asked their opinion? You will be amazed at the good will that comes from taking a few minutes to engage! In a small operation that we work with, we set up a 15 minute get together with everyone once a week. This method is direct and keeps everyone engaged as they hear the important messages first hand. In larger operations we have suggested an app for employees to stay connected. This allows information to be tailored to different departments. Yes it can be a challenge when your workforce is spread out or working in the field. Find creative ways to communicate and engage with your staff. We often hear from companies and organizations that suffer when things go badly and someone “drops the ball”. This is a polite way of saying someone messed up. Ford Business Consultants can put tools in place to assist you in minimizing this type of event. How often do we hear in the news about a problem that festers and it always comes back to someone not doing the right thing. We often see that this comes down to lack of engagement. One of the Systems & Processes we like to see companies install is “closed loop communication”. This is a verification system that when a task was asked of an individual, notification is given when that the work was carried out.  This type of engagement works and there is no wondering if it got done. This could be email, voice mail, or a check mark and initials on a work order.

How to know if engagement works?

We have already discovered that most businesses do not measure results. Measures could be employee retention, customer service satisfaction surveys and sometimes folks it is just a gut feeling that yes we have more engagement and you feel it. Businesses that have an “engagement program” and interact with staff regularly are leaps and bounds ahead of their competition. Not only will you enjoy more market share, you attract and retain talented staff that leads to be more productivity and more profits. If we can help with this program please contact us, it costs nothing to talk.

To your success,

Ford Business Consultants

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Business S.W.O.T. Analysis

This is a powerful business tool that allows you to take a close look at your business. All businesses have strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and yes, threats. Strengths and weaknesses are often internal to your organization. Opportunities and threats can be external factors. Let’s break each one down in manageable chunks that you can use more easily.

What advantages does your operation have?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What are your operations “unique selling propositions”, the secret sauce?
What do customers and competitors see as your strengths?
What factors are in your operation that means “you get the sale”?

What needs improvement, staff, processes, sales and marketing, cost of sales?
What are doing that you should avoid?
What have customers and competitors in your market identified as a weakness?
What factors are losing you sales?
Consider your strengths and weaknesses from both an internal perspective and from the point of view of your customers in your marketplace. Do you have some trusted customers that you have identified with whom take an extra special interest in your business? You might consider   asking them for some feedback, most people will be more than happy to give an honest opinion if you take the time to ask. How about your staff? These folks are in your operation working with your customers, why not ask for some feedback and see what you can learn.

Are there opportunities open to your company that you can spot?
What interesting trends can you identify that you can take advantage of?
Are the products or services you offer changing?
Are there changes in technology that could be helpful or maybe impact your business in a negative way?
How about any new regulations or compliance issues?
Are there any identifiable shifts in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes that can help your business?
Is your business offering what the customer wants to purchase?

What threats do you face, what is holding you back?
Do you have any bad debt or cash flow issues?
Is ever-changing technology threatening your operation?
What are your competitors doing?
Are quality standards, specifications or expectations for your product or service changing?
Are you losing longtime customers and not enough new ones coming in?

We can all learn something when we make time and look at our business to identify what works and what does not. As a business owner or manager you can be so focused so much on the day to day workings that you miss the big picture. You know there is a mental list in your head of items in your workplace that need attention. Write them down, prioritize them and work toward the change you want and it will come about. And remember that there are no problems, only solutions that you have not found yet!  Be proactive and take charge today.

If you would like some assistance in performing a S.W.O.T Analysis on your business please call 1-877-776-1059 and ask for Richard or DeeDee @ Ford Business Consultants.